During the last hour of church the women seperate from the men into different classes. This is often my favorite part of church, and today was no different. Our lesson was taken from a talk given by Elder Eyring (if you’re interested, you can read the talk in its entirety here).
For those not interested in reading it in its entirety :) it was basically about remembering to be grateful for what we have. At one point, our discussion led to the idea of being grateful for things that are “usual”–things that are wonderful, but because they are there every day, we forget that they are wonderful or even there. As we talked about this, my mind wandered to a recent experience. In January, our entire family caught a sickness that felt comparable to the Black Plague. Suddenly the “usual but wonderful” things about life (having a body that works, the freedom to quickly move around, the ability to hold a cup to my mouth and drink when I’m thirsty) were temporarily gone. When the sickness finally passed, I woke up to a new thankfulness for the miracle of being able to walk, to sleep, to function.
I think I enjoyed this lesson because lately I’ve recognized that some of the greatest things in my life are things that I often take for granted–because they’re there EVERY day. Here’s hoping that I don’t have to suffer another Black Plague to be reminded of that.