Yesterday I uploaded a year’s worth of iPhone photos onto my computer. Here are just a few snapshots (of 1000+) from the past year of my life.Summary: Hanging with James, Colin as Mr. Cool, James learns to sew (to repair his broken stuffed-snake), throwing rocks into the lake, proof that James is the sweetest big brother in the world.
Summary: Views from the ski lift, snowboarding winter 2011.
Summary: James’ drawing “I wish to be a pelican” and a sweet note.
Summary: Christmas 2010. James and Colin woke up at 5am to open presents.
Summary: James and Colin accompany me almost every time I scout out a photo shoot location.
Summary: More location scouting, fishing, more location scouting, lovely sunset on the way back from Fort Morgan, more location scouting (for Kimberly & Eli’s wedding inside the barn at Chatfield Botanic Gardens), Colin’s well-check.
Summary: Colin attempts to put on every shirt he owns, James rockin’ the pink bowling ball, Colin has enough time to sit and chill while his bowling ball crawls to the end of the lane, if I see an old car/truck I will likely take a photo, haven’t lost my third-grade origami-making skillz, a page from James’ journal.
Summary: Hanging out with my boys, eating at our favorite place in the entire world (Cafe Rio), summertime fun in the sprinklers.
Summary: I took a solo drive to Utah to pick up some kitchen stuff at Ikea (two months later Ikea FINALLY opened up in Denver).
Summary: Miami beach, the Florida Keys and the Everglades.
Summary: Miami beach, low-end motels and the flight back home.
Summary: Colin wears crocs everywhere, sometimes dirt is beautiful, James looking good in a baseball hat.
Summary: I like to take pictures of textures. :)
Summary: Camping near the sand dunes, Colin’s turn to rock the pink bowling ball, trip to the circus, sparklers on the 4th, James and Colin got to sit in the dugout when my senior portrait sessions fell on the same day as Jim’s softball games.
Summary: playing on the sand dunes.
Summary: found an old car parked outside the studio, studio from the alleyway, studio from 3rd Ave.
Summary: YAY Lakeside!
Summary: YAY fishing trip!
Summary: using lava rocks like sidewalk chalk, James pouting, bike-riding, goofing off, taking a rollerblade break, my haircut!
Summary: lava rock sidewalk chalk, rollerblade break, Colin is adorable in dinosaur pajamas, bike riding, one-hour Wisconsin visit, jack-o-lanterns.
Summary: raining at the airport, symmetry & blue skies.
Summary: blurry & beautiful, Colin fell asleep on the couch, those adorable dino pjs again.
What a fun year! Love this summary in pictures.
I love these snaps and the layout you used to display them! They’re like a mini photo time line of the year. Also, James’ journal is so sweet.
Again… I love your family! These photos have inspired me to dedicate myself to using my phone as a camera more (adding to and complimenting very well my goal to take more personal photos). Is this just how your phone takes them or do you do any editing to them?
@Michelle–all of the photos were edited on the phone using some kind of app. My favorite is Camera +
love this recap! you have the cutest family, we miss you guys!