Children’s Session: Zoe at the Primary Children’s Hospital, Aurora

When Dani first contacted me about photographing her daughter Zoe, we discussed a few possible options for photo session locations. Midway through our conversation, Dani told me a few of the tremendous events that have already happened in Zoe’s life…the biggest being open-heart surgery at four months of age. In every photo session I make it my goal to capture the personalities of my subjects, so we decided to shoot the session where Zoe has spent a portion of the first year of her life–the Primary Children’s Hospital in Aurora, Colorado. Our goal there was to capture Zoe’s courageous spirit and cheerful personality.

This one, to me, screams of Zoe’s courageous spirit. So beautiful, so brave, with the scar to prove it.

…and these ones, of Zoe’s cheerful personality.

I think Zoe’s parents are equally courageous and amazing.

This one was probably the analytical Art Historian in me coming through…
Looking ahead toward a bright and beautiful future.

6 thoughts on “Children’s Session: Zoe at the Primary Children’s Hospital, Aurora”

  1. You are amazing. I never would have guessed pictures like yours would be possible inside a hospital. You are very talented at catching true moments.

  2. Hi there! Just stopping by…I paused at this last photo of Zoe and was compelled to comment. First of all, girlfriend — you are an AMAZING photographer, don’t ever stop doing what you’re doing! Secondly, this photo made me tear up. She looks like she’s literally on top of the world. It really puts into perspective how much this little spirit has gone through already in her life at such a young age. God bless her!

  3. Pingback: If you look this cute when you come to pick up your prints… » Angie Wilson Photography

  4. Ashley Hughes Zufelt

    I saw this picture of Zoe and her scar on your FB profile, and immediately wanted to know Zoe’s story. See, I too have a duahgter that has had open heart surgery, and have also taken my own photos or her to capture the courageousness that scar represents. I LOVE that you went to Children’s to shoot her session, I never would have thought of that. My daughter is 3 now and has had 2 surgeries, but I still might need to go take some pics of her at the hospital… gives it a whole different, more documentary feel. Great work, I’m super impressed!

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