That might have been the quickest twelve months of my entire life. I can’t believe she’s already one–and what a year it was!! You might notice her nevus has been removed, which was an interesting/crazy/unique three-month process that I’ll share photos from another time. Today, it’s all about her birthday celebration–the CAKE SMASH–which, I’ve pretty much been looking forward to photographing since the day I found out I was pregnant. :)
It started out kinda slow, with Lucy not too sure if she was even interested in the cupcake. Jim gave her a taste of the frosting to get things rolling:
I’m not one to give my kids much sugar while I still hold total control over their diet, so a cupcake was new and exciting stuff for Lucy. Pure delight. Love it.
Hands, face, even FEET got nice and sticky:
Happy birthday sweet Lucy. I love you so much. :)
Happy Birthday little one!!!!!!
Oh my she is adorable!!!! Brent was not interested in his cupcake smash, hopefully Tessa will!